The things we find scary differ from person to person. For some, it might be an image of a spider crawling nearby, others are spooked out by ghost stories (let’s be honest, they often sound as scary at 30 as they did at 13). Let’s not forget the variety of creatures under the bed that are waiting for you to throw that leg over the edge. Sadly, some everyday occurrences can be as spine-chilling as The Shining itself. The online community on r/AskReddit discussed what facts scare them the most. The answers are unsurprisingly grim, but they might be worth pondering over. Warning: some might unlock a new fear. If these scary facts weren’t horrifying enough, browse Bored Panda’s list of haunting real-life facts you might have not heard before. #1 That my parents and grandparents are slowly getting older and it's just a matter of time before I start losing them all one by one and there's nothing I can do about it. Image credits: Kysman95 #2 There's an illness called fatal insomnia. You stay awake until you die, There's literally no cure and can't be predicted, you lose your mind slowly and you can't do anything about it. My grandpa died slowly from it. Image credits: LastTime-_- #3 Any day, you could have a stroke and lose all your autonomy and become as dependant as a baby. Image credits: FrenchMaisNon #4 We still don't know how exactly anesthesia works and yet every day about 60.000 people are having surgery under anesthesia. And about 1 in 1000 patients wakes up during surgery and is often traumatized for life. Image credits: HorrorHund #5 The amount of women and children murder every year in first world countries at the hands of their current or ex spouses. One every 11 minutes. Image credits: DependentCrew5398 #6 That any of us could have a brain aneurysm right now and not even know it's coming. Image credits: becomingNope #7 That the insect biomass is rapidly decreasing. This is the foundation of the food chain. Image credits: bulletmissile #8 That something like close to half of murders reported in the US are never solved. That’s just of the reported ones…. Image credits: YAYtersalad #9 When stars explode they release a gamma burst that can destroy everything in its path. Image credits: wetlettuce42 #10 There are feces in many processed meats. Image credits: Spare_Net_2229 #11 We only live for about 4,000 weeks. Image credits: _Light_The_Way #12 I logically know I am fine, but my anxiety won’t let me accept that. Image credits: HotSpicedChai #13 I heard once that all of our senses(sight, hearing, etc.) are only capable of perceiving one millionth of reality. That always weirds me out when I think about it. Image credits: sharkey99 #14 That Dopplegangers exist. They say that there are at least a couple people in the world that look exactly like you without being blood related and I met mine. He was a f*****g criminal and got into trouble so many times with the law that I myself had been mistaken for him three times. The only difference was me having sleeves. My tattoos saved me from being mistaken for him who sexually assaulted a woman. I was brought in and put in a line up and she said herself, “that looks like him but he doesn’t have a single tattoo”. 4 hours later they found him and the sheriff’s department was dumbfounded that we weren’t twins. Like looking in a mirror. I was released and a more than needed apology was given by the chief of police and arresting officer. Image credits: TinyoneT33 #15 That we have an elderly stockpile of nuclear weapons that could erase most of life on the planet several times over. There have been some scary near misses on our history with nuclear weapons and I believe it's only a matter of time before there's a horrific accident. Image credits: Lurchie_ #16 People don't realize that safety guidelines for food is actually way more lax than it should be. For example, there is a guide for an acceptable amount of bugs/bug parts, and rat fecal matter in the ground beef most stores sell. The amount that is allowed would surprise you. Even something like drinking water that was deemed "safe" can contain enough harmful contents to cause serious damage to your body, but because it does this damage over the course of 20+ years, its completely fine by industry standards. Image credits: Titan-Bomb #17 How sudden death can be. The mother of the woman I was dating at the time died in a car accident in 2021. Since then, the fear that something bad will suddenly happen is always there for me. Image credits: Longjumping_Owl5740 #18 You could have rabies in your system for years and have absolutely no idea until your minor headache develops into intense fear, hydrophobia, and tremors You were dead when you felt the headache Image credits: TheKrazyKrab23 #19 Melting permafrost is releasing potentially life threatening microorganisms that humans have no immunity to. Image credits: pluribusduim #20 That since I was born the human population has doubled and the animal population has been cut in half. Image credits: sutroheights #21 That we’re hurtling towards an ecological geological disaster the likes of which humanity has never seen at breakneck pace and a massive number of us can’t seem to do much about it. Image credits: LikeASomeBoooodie #22 That outside of our planet, zero of our achievements/history/language/currency matters. It can all be erased in a second and there would be no knowledge of us ever existing in the first place to anyone else in the universe. We are meaningless outside of this sphere. Image credits: EmergencyNoodlePack #23 When I was 17 I had been dealing with a mystery headache condition and was become "mysteriously ill". Doctors couldn't explain it. I was told by a prolific doctor that they'd be shocked if I "lived past 30." It struck me like a train, and not much bothers me. The doctor apologized but said they couldn't lie to me. I turn 29 soon and I've been diagnosed with an aggressive autoimmune disease, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I've never been more sick in my life, and as we speak my heart is pounding so hard it's shaking my bed. My wife who is used to me being ill is legitimately concerned, so yeah, doc may end up being right after all. Image credits: SecretlyBiPolar #24 The fact that the past 10 years of my life have flown by, and it means I got about a decade before I become the same age as my parents when I was born. Meaning that I’m just slowly going to age till it’s time for me to pass. And I still don’t even know why I’m living or what I want to do, or even feel like I’m happy. Image credits: Unhookingsnow6 #25 It's likely that my chronic pain is uncurable and I'll have to live with it forever. It's cost me most of my hobbies and taken a huge toll on my mental health and it seems to be steadily getting worse too. That scares me a lot. I don't want this to be my life. Image credits: Seiliko #26 That sudden deaths have gone up by a lot and nobody can give a straight answer when asked why it’s happening Image credits: OB530 #27 How much our brains trick us "for our own good". For instance, your brain does not record input from your eyes as they move. So if you are looking at object A and move your eyes from object A to object B, it does not record the motion blur as your eyes move. Moreover, it accounts for this gap by taking the image you settle on and backfilling it in your memory, so you think the time your eyes spent in motion was actually spent looking at object B. The causes several optical illusions. Most notably, why a blinking light will seem to stay on or off longer when you first look at it. That's because your brain backfilled the image of it being on or off in your memory. It's easy to experience this. Just find a blinking light and look away, then look back at it. Unless it's timed just right, you will appear to observe the light being lit, or not, for just a split second longer than it should be. The brain will also backfill details that are missing from your memories, sometimes making them up completely. It really makes you wonder just how much of what we see is actually real. Image credits: Netskimmer #28 When I die, I will be able to hear what people are saying, my last bit of brain activity will be processing those words or sounds and they will be echoed into my forever dream…hope nobody says anything f****d up. According to recent studies, auditory stimulus is the last sense to be lost, it's anticipated that people actually listen long enough to hear they’re pronounced dead. Image credits: TheUpsideDownWorlds #29 The amount of child abuse the catholic church got/gets away with #30 1/3 of adult Americans can't read. The fact that those idiots can vote is even scarier #31 Some people buy and sell humans Image credits: puffykitty6942 #32 That not everyone will find love. Not everyone will find that special person. There is a very real possibility that life may move forward and you’ll never spend it with someone. #33 The number of people older than me will never increase. Image credits: Vinny_Lam #34 The most well-educated and intelligent people are also those most afflicted with issues like despair, depression, and existential crises. Reality is a nightmare of horrors lying just beneath the surface, and the more aware of how things really work you are the more truly miserable you are, generally. #35 For some reason, the fact that you poop/pee yourself when you die. I know that it won’t matter because I’ll be dead, anyway, but I’ve always been weirded out by that. #36 That one day will be the last of something and you have no idea until that day is over. It's surreal to me that their was a day in my life when my group of friends all hung out together having fun and then never again. There will be a last time I will see the ones I love and not even know. It's painful. #37 The only one. That I have a brain tumor that might grow, it might shrink. But if it decides to kill me i won’t be around for my wife and boys. #38 Cranberry Bogs To effectively keep bugs off the cranberry plants the farmers put wolf spiders in the fields. When it's time to harvest the cranberries they flood the fields and the spiders sit on top of the floating cranberries. Wolf spiders will seek out the highest spot to get away from the water. Guess what happens when the workers walk waist deep in the cranberry bogs?? Thats right, they become the highest dry spot and the wolf spiders climb them. #39 Every time you smell something tiny particles of that thing are going into your body. That sounds good when you think of stuff like cotton candy or fruit but when you smell stuff like sewage or dog poop it's awful #40 Some states are totally okay trying to censor LGBT people. I only worry about what's to come. #41 Terminal Lucidity: when a person with dementia suddenly remembers everything all at once and then dies #42 A lot of what we are able to observe in our universe could have died or been destroyed thousands of years ago and we would have no idea. #43 I joined the military at 18 as I needed a paycheck due to being nearly homeless. I've learned just how truly fragile humans are both physically and mentally. #44 Housing is more expensive than ever. #45 That at some point we have all likely had cancer. Usually, your body deals with the cancerous cells before it can be any more than an undetectable mutation. Until it misses one. #46 That you never really know the people in your life. You could marry a woman and have no clue she will poison your chicken sandwich in the future You could have a child and have no clue he will fire a .45 acp bullet into your head in the future You could have a best friend since childhood and have no idea a minor argument could lead to you being strangled to death #47 After 4 years of Donald Trump as President, half the country wanted more. #48 My dog is gonna die at some point... #49 70+ million people voted for The Orange Piece of S**t #50 The mad cow disease epidemic possibly hasn't even started, as the disease can lay dormant in the body for up to (50??) years #51 You can spend half your life working your a*s off and sabotaging a social life for education, money, wealth and success and at the end of the day most people who focus that kind of lifestyle I feel are not completely satisfied or happy with their lives or with the work they put it, and at the end of the day its kind of all for nothing, when you die no one truly know if theres an after life or if its just a state of non existence but I’m willing to bet on my left kidney you cant take those riches and success with you, idk sometimes just being alive is absolutely terrifying but so incredibly beautiful at times the words of a poet couldn’t describe the feelings and emotions that come with experiences throughout the journey of existence, like kissing a special someone for the first time, experiencing the welcoming and goodbyes of relatives and friends, cashing your first check, coming home after a long day at work and just that feeling of comfort and peace, also the feeling of not knowing what tomorrow brings is bittersweet, I could die in a car crash on the way to work, I could end up accidentally finding the love of my life, who knows the unknown events of the future is what keeps me goin, making as many beautiful memories as I can is pretty much my goal, Aleister Crowley “do as thou whilst” #52 You're never as safe as you think you are. Don't ever think something can't happen to you because it can #53 Pretty much impossible to survive any kind of impact from a semi My mom told me a story of why she quit emt. A friend of hers head on'd a semi at about 35 mph so slow speed and... The engine was in the woman's lap, the transmission in the back seats, the driveshaft snapped like spaghetti, the front end of the truck was gone and the woman... had to be scraped out of the truck, a job left to my mom. Don't think she sleeps still it was almost 13 years ago. #54 Capitalism doesn’t work without poverty. #55 That some street drugs are so powerful that just one pill can kill a person. I worry about people, especially young people, that don't understand that. #56 That something someone can do totally beyond my control, will impact me in a way I could never recover from, or my family. Accident, violence, mismanagement etc, they’re the scary things #57 That most people are completely oblivious to the danger of deep fake technology. We have tons of companies collecting our biometrics right now by gamefying the collection of our data, and we just give it away freely. Add AI art that can create a picture of anyone doing anything, and it's just mind-boggling to me more people don't see what's coming. This is seriously the biggest threat in human history. #58 That poverty, homelessness, orphans exist, yet people continue to reproduce at an alarming rate and this will only get worse and worse and worse…People Share The Facts That Scare Them The Most In This Surprisingly Relatable Thread
The things we find scary differ from person to person. For some, it might be an image of a spider crawling nearby, others are spooked out by ghost stories (let’s be honest, they often sound as scary at 30 as they did at 13). Let’s not forget the variety of creatures under the bed that are waiting for you to throw that leg over the edge.
Sadly, some everyday occurrences can be as spine-chilling as The Shining itself. The online community on r/AskReddit discussed what facts scare them the most. The answers are unsurprisingly grim, but they might be worth pondering over. Warning: some might unlock a new fear.
If these scary facts weren’t horrifying enough, browse Bored Panda’s list of haunting real-life facts you might have not heard before.
That my parents and grandparents are slowly getting older and it's just a matter of time before I start losing them all one by one and there's nothing I can do about it.Image credits: Kysman95
There's an illness called fatal insomnia.You stay awake until you die, There's literally no cure and can't be predicted, you lose your mind slowly and you can't do anything about it.
My grandpa died slowly from it.
Image credits: LastTime-_-
Any day, you could have a stroke and lose all your autonomy and become as dependant as a baby.Image credits: FrenchMaisNon
We still don't know how exactly anesthesia works and yet every day about 60.000 people are having surgery under anesthesia. And about 1 in 1000 patients wakes up during surgery and is often traumatized for life.Image credits: HorrorHund
The amount of women and children murder every year in first world countries at the hands of their current or ex spouses. One every 11 minutes.Image credits: DependentCrew5398
That any of us could have a brain aneurysm right now and not even know it's coming.Image credits: becomingNope
That the insect biomass is rapidly decreasing. This is the foundation of the food chain.Image credits: bulletmissile
That something like close to half of murders reported in the US are never solved. That’s just of the reported ones….Image credits: YAYtersalad
When stars explode they release a gamma burst that can destroy everything in its path.Image credits: wetlettuce42
There are feces in many processed meats.Image credits: Spare_Net_2229
We only live for about 4,000 weeks.Image credits: _Light_The_Way
I logically know I am fine, but my anxiety won’t let me accept that.Image credits: HotSpicedChai
I heard once that all of our senses(sight, hearing, etc.) are only capable of perceiving one millionth of reality. That always weirds me out when I think about it.Image credits: sharkey99
That Dopplegangers exist. They say that there are at least a couple people in the world that look exactly like you without being blood related and I met mine.He was a f*****g criminal and got into trouble so many times with the law that I myself had been mistaken for him three times. The only difference was me having sleeves. My tattoos saved me from being mistaken for him who sexually assaulted a woman. I was brought in and put in a line up and she said herself, “that looks like him but he doesn’t have a single tattoo”. 4 hours later they found him and the sheriff’s department was dumbfounded that we weren’t twins. Like looking in a mirror. I was released and a more than needed apology was given by the chief of police and arresting officer.
Image credits: TinyoneT33
That we have an elderly stockpile of nuclear weapons that could erase most of life on the planet several times over. There have been some scary near misses on our history with nuclear weapons and I believe it's only a matter of time before there's a horrific accident.Image credits: Lurchie_
People don't realize that safety guidelines for food is actually way more lax than it should be. For example, there is a guide for an acceptable amount of bugs/bug parts, and rat fecal matter in the ground beef most stores sell. The amount that is allowed would surprise you. Even something like drinking water that was deemed "safe" can contain enough harmful contents to cause serious damage to your body, but because it does this damage over the course of 20+ years, its completely fine by industry standards.Image credits: Titan-Bomb
How sudden death can be. The mother of the woman I was dating at the time died in a car accident in 2021. Since then, the fear that something bad will suddenly happen is always there for me.Image credits: Longjumping_Owl5740
You could have rabies in your system for years and have absolutely no idea until your minor headache develops into intense fear, hydrophobia, and tremorsYou were dead when you felt the headache
Image credits: TheKrazyKrab23
Melting permafrost is releasing potentially life threatening microorganisms that humans have no immunity to.Image credits: pluribusduim
That since I was born the human population has doubled and the animal population has been cut in half.Image credits: sutroheights
That we’re hurtling towards an ecological geological disaster the likes of which humanity has never seen at breakneck pace and a massive number of us can’t seem to do much about it.Image credits: LikeASomeBoooodie
That outside of our planet, zero of our achievements/history/language/currency matters. It can all be erased in a second and there would be no knowledge of us ever existing in the first place to anyone else in the universe. We are meaningless outside of this sphere.Image credits: EmergencyNoodlePack
When I was 17 I had been dealing with a mystery headache condition and was become "mysteriously ill". Doctors couldn't explain it.I was told by a prolific doctor that they'd be shocked if I "lived past 30." It struck me like a train, and not much bothers me. The doctor apologized but said they couldn't lie to me.
I turn 29 soon and I've been diagnosed with an aggressive autoimmune disease, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, ADHD, and OCD.
I've never been more sick in my life, and as we speak my heart is pounding so hard it's shaking my bed. My wife who is used to me being ill is legitimately concerned, so yeah, doc may end up being right after all.
Image credits: SecretlyBiPolar
The fact that the past 10 years of my life have flown by, and it means I got about a decade before I become the same age as my parents when I was born. Meaning that I’m just slowly going to age till it’s time for me to pass. And I still don’t even know why I’m living or what I want to do, or even feel like I’m happy.Image credits: Unhookingsnow6
It's likely that my chronic pain is uncurable and I'll have to live with it forever. It's cost me most of my hobbies and taken a huge toll on my mental health and it seems to be steadily getting worse too. That scares me a lot. I don't want this to be my life.Image credits: Seiliko
That sudden deaths have gone up by a lot and nobody can give a straight answer when asked why it’s happeningImage credits: OB530
How much our brains trick us "for our own good".For instance, your brain does not record input from your eyes as they move. So if you are looking at object A and move your eyes from object A to object B, it does not record the motion blur as your eyes move.
Moreover, it accounts for this gap by taking the image you settle on and backfilling it in your memory, so you think the time your eyes spent in motion was actually spent looking at object B. The causes several optical illusions. Most notably, why a blinking light will seem to stay on or off longer when you first look at it. That's because your brain backfilled the image of it being on or off in your memory. It's easy to experience this. Just find a blinking light and look away, then look back at it. Unless it's timed just right, you will appear to observe the light being lit, or not, for just a split second longer than it should be.
The brain will also backfill details that are missing from your memories, sometimes making them up completely. It really makes you wonder just how much of what we see is actually real.
Image credits: Netskimmer
When I die, I will be able to hear what people are saying, my last bit of brain activity will be processing those words or sounds and they will be echoed into my forever dream…hope nobody says anything f****d up.According to recent studies, auditory stimulus is the last sense to be lost, it's anticipated that people actually listen long enough to hear they’re pronounced dead.
Image credits: TheUpsideDownWorlds
The amount of child abuse the catholic church got/gets away with#30
1/3 of adult Americans can't read. The fact that those idiots can vote is even scarier#31
Some people buy and sell humansImage credits: puffykitty6942
That not everyone will find love. Not everyone will find that special person. There is a very real possibility that life may move forward and you’ll never spend it with someone.#33
The number of people older than me will never increase.Image credits: Vinny_Lam
The most well-educated and intelligent people are also those most afflicted with issues like despair, depression, and existential crises. Reality is a nightmare of horrors lying just beneath the surface, and the more aware of how things really work you are the more truly miserable you are, generally.#35
For some reason, the fact that you poop/pee yourself when you die. I know that it won’t matter because I’ll be dead, anyway, but I’ve always been weirded out by that.#36
That one day will be the last of something and you have no idea until that day is over. It's surreal to me that their was a day in my life when my group of friends all hung out together having fun and then never again. There will be a last time I will see the ones I love and not even know. It's painful.#37
The only one. That I have a brain tumor that might grow, it might shrink. But if it decides to kill me i won’t be around for my wife and boys.#38
Cranberry BogsTo effectively keep bugs off the cranberry plants the farmers put wolf spiders in the fields. When it's time to harvest the cranberries they flood the fields and the spiders sit on top of the floating cranberries. Wolf spiders will seek out the highest spot to get away from the water. Guess what happens when the workers walk waist deep in the cranberry bogs?? Thats right, they become the highest dry spot and the wolf spiders climb them.
Every time you smell something tiny particles of that thing are going into your body. That sounds good when you think of stuff like cotton candy or fruit but when you smell stuff like sewage or dog poop it's awful#40
Some states are totally okay trying to censor LGBT people. I only worry about what's to come.#41
Terminal Lucidity: when a person with dementia suddenly remembers everything all at once and then dies#42
A lot of what we are able to observe in our universe could have died or been destroyed thousands of years ago and we would have no idea.#43
I joined the military at 18 as I needed a paycheck due to being nearly homeless. I've learned just how truly fragile humans are both physically and mentally.#44
Housing is more expensive than ever.#45
That at some point we have all likely had cancer. Usually, your body deals with the cancerous cells before it can be any more than an undetectable mutation. Until it misses one.#46
That you never really know the people in your life.You could marry a woman and have no clue she will poison your chicken sandwich in the future
You could have a child and have no clue he will fire a .45 acp bullet into your head in the future
You could have a best friend since childhood and have no idea a minor argument could lead to you being strangled to death
After 4 years of Donald Trump as President, half the country wanted more.#48
My dog is gonna die at some point...#49
70+ million people voted for The Orange Piece of S**t#50
The mad cow disease epidemic possibly hasn't even started, as the disease can lay dormant in the body for up to (50??) years#51
You can spend half your life working your a*s off and sabotaging a social life for education, money, wealth and success and at the end of the day most people who focus that kind of lifestyle I feel are not completely satisfied or happy with their lives or with the work they put it, and at the end of the day its kind of all for nothing, when you die no one truly know if theres an after life or if its just a state of non existence but I’m willing to bet on my left kidney you cant take those riches and success with you, idk sometimes just being alive is absolutely terrifying but so incredibly beautiful at times the words of a poet couldn’t describe the feelings and emotions that come with experiences throughout the journey of existence, like kissing a special someone for the first time, experiencing the welcoming and goodbyes of relatives and friends, cashing your first check, coming home after a long day at work and just that feeling of comfort and peace, also the feeling of not knowing what tomorrow brings is bittersweet, I could die in a car crash on the way to work, I could end up accidentally finding the love of my life, who knows the unknown events of the future is what keeps me goin, making as many beautiful memories as I can is pretty much my goal, Aleister Crowley “do as thou whilst”#52
You're never as safe as you think you are. Don't ever think something can't happen to you because it can#53
Pretty much impossible to survive any kind of impact from a semiMy mom told me a story of why she quit emt. A friend of hers head on'd a semi at about 35 mph so slow speed and...
The engine was in the woman's lap, the transmission in the back seats, the driveshaft snapped like spaghetti, the front end of the truck was gone and the woman... had to be scraped out of the truck, a job left to my mom.
Don't think she sleeps still it was almost 13 years ago.
Capitalism doesn’t work without poverty.#55
That some street drugs are so powerful that just one pill can kill a person. I worry about people, especially young people, that don't understand that.#56
That something someone can do totally beyond my control, will impact me in a way I could never recover from, or my family. Accident, violence, mismanagement etc, they’re the scary things#57
That most people are completely oblivious to the danger of deep fake technology.We have tons of companies collecting our biometrics right now by gamefying the collection of our data, and we just give it away freely.
Add AI art that can create a picture of anyone doing anything, and it's just mind-boggling to me more people don't see what's coming.
This is seriously the biggest threat in human history.
That poverty, homelessness, orphans exist, yet people continue to reproduce at an alarming rate and this will only get worse and worse and worse…from Bored Panda
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