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What do you remember most about American Idol at its peak? Is it the amazing performances? The moment the wrong David won the seventh season? Be honest—it’s the hilariously awful auditions that opened each season. I could bet you dollars to donuts that more people remember the greats like William Hung than anyone who actually […] The post Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions appeared first on Listverse. Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions

What do you remember most about American Idol at its peak? Is it the amazing performances? The moment the wrong David won the seventh season? Be honest—it’s the hilariously awful auditions that opened each season. I could bet you dollars to donuts that more people remember the greats like William Hung than anyone who actually […]

The post Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions appeared first on Listverse.

from Listverse
What do you remember most about American Idol at its peak? Is it the amazing performances? The moment the wrong David won the seventh season? Be honest—it’s the hilariously awful auditions that opened each season. I could bet you dollars to donuts that more people remember the greats like William Hung than anyone who actually […] The post Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions appeared first on Listverse. Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions 
What do you remember most about American Idol at its peak? Is it the amazing performances? The moment the wrong David won the seventh season? Be honest—it’s the hilariously awful auditions that opened each season. I could bet you dollars to donuts that more people remember the greats like William Hung than anyone who actually […]

The post Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions appeared first on Listverse.

Top 10 Sidesplitting American Idol Auditions Reviewed by New Viral Feed on 01:50 Rating: 5

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