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If you and I lived in a movie or TV series then identifying some villain in our life would be as easy as shelling pears - after all every time they appeared that very strange disturbing music would sound. Or for example in the classic epic fantasy where all the bad guys with rare exceptions are ugly and accompany every second line with some demonic laughter. But you and I live in real life so these successful ways of determining not-so-nice persons unfortunately do not work. On the other hand this is for the better - after all the "villainous" musical theme could also be turned on when we appear in the frame ourselves... Be that as it may people still have to rely on their own experience and the advice of other folks - such as for example in this collection of opinions from netizens. More info: Reddit #1 For me it has to be when they treat animals really poorly. Image credits: ChanelNumberOne #2 They dump garbage out of their moving vehicles. Image credits: Xcavor #3 They're an "Alpha". Image credits: sstinch What else distinguishes real life from heroic fantasy is that our world does not accept pure light or dark and each of us living in fact has those very notorious shades of gray. And not just fifty but many more. In the end a person can have a great appearance have an amazing mind and/or brilliant wit - but at the same time in some aspects of their personality turn out to be not the nicest person at all. But how to evaluate and accept them at the same time is a personal choice for each of us. #4 When youre having an argument with someone and they start saying things just to hurt you because they dont have a valid argument. Yeaaah this ones personal Image credits: Wamakeg #5 They can't handle being wrong Image credits: Ratakoa #6 When they say fk all my haters when people are just giving them suggestions on how to be a decent human being Image credits: qualityinnbedbugs By and large the collection of opinions and 'red flags' that we present to you today is not so much a "universal determinant of scoundrels" but also a questionnaire that can help you understand and realize what dark sides of your mind you personally have. In other words if you find yourself in at least a few items on this list it makes sense to seriously think about it - maybe your own behavior isn't the best? "Keep in mind that asking yourself 'Am I a bad person?' isn't unusual. Simply considering this question shows you have some measure of self-awareness and empathy" writes Crystal Raypole a writer and editor in Healthline. "If you try to avoid causing harm that's a good sign. If you can acknowledge you have some room for improvement - and who doesn't? - you're taking a promising first step towards positive change." #7 When they are rude to service people like waiters or cashiers. I think it shows a lack of empathy. Image credits: sasserc73 #8 They litter. Image credits: MrFurleysJumpsuit #9 They talk about cheating on their partner in a bragging way like its something that makes them cooler. Image credits: Mysterious-Window-54 If we started to consider this topic with examples from culture then the hallmark of a good story has always been considered character development when a character starts the story as one person and ends as... well if not someone completely different then they certainly have undergone some changes. In the end almost any scoundrel can go their own way to reform. Just remember how disgusting Darth Vader looked at the beginning of Star Wars... oh we hope this has not become a spoiler for anyone now. #10 "bro look at this!" (Shows a minor achievement I'm proud of) "Oh bro that's so easy I literally did that like a million times" With all due disrespect fk yourself. Image credits: SwarthyTheDesertMan #11 When the rules apply to everyone except them. Image credits: tacticalpinkman #12 When they mock you for trying to lose weight or trying to improve yourself in general Image credits: GimmickInfringement1 As Forrest Gump's momma used to say "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get." And when a new person comes into our life there is always a chance that they will turn out to be not so good. And then perhaps this collection will be useful to you in some way. At least we modestly hope so. So please feel free to read and scroll it to the very end and add your own 'red flags' to expose a truly terrible person before that disturbing musical theme comes out... #13 Saying horrible things about people all the time. Image credits: Parakiet20 #14 They do not put shopping carts in the cart corral. Image credits: HVAC_instructor #15 How they treat their significant other in front of other people Image credits: ApartmentForRentt #16 Not respecting shared spaces. Like leaving garbage on a picnic table or leaving a shopping cart out. Image credits: CasualEveryday #17 All my exes were crazy. Really now?? Like you were the victim in all of those?? Image credits: Long-Marketing-8843 #18 They don't respect the people who clean up their st. A coworker once made fun of National Custodian Day. Image credits: SuvenPan #19 When they still believe in racial stereotypes and look down on people because of their race Image credits: No_Prize9794 #20 Cheating. No matter how nice someone acts if theyre willing and capable of betraying anyone who intimately trusts them they are absolute st. Also if shell cheat with you shell cheat on you. Good luck with that bro. Image credits: rmichaeljones #21 Demanding respect just because they are older. Edit: or because they are family. Image credits: JackSixxx #22 Complete lack of awareness of how their actions affect other people's reactions Image credits: huiscloslaqueue #23 When they constantly try to one up you in a conversation. Image credits: NeonRunaway #24 They don't let u speak. At all. They just keep talking over you countless times in a row. Image credits: puppersrlyf #25 If they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves than that's usually a pretty good indicator. Image credits: CapG_13 #26 If they treat family or staff members like st all the time Edit: for the replies of examples of sy families responding to verbal abuse with more verbal abuse doesnt solve anything because verbal abuse is a sign that someone is a piece of st. So its not a good thing to stoop to someones level when they abuse you. Image credits: Cbjmac #27 They only talk about themselves and complain about every little thing. They also expect you to help them but they dont give a damn when youre in need. Oh yeah and never apologising or being accountable for anything. Image credits: anon #28 They cant stand different opinion Image credits: randomname196 #29 - When they're factually wrong but resort to deflection rather than stick to the subject - 'I did my own research' - Mistreating animals - Being unfriendly to waiters shop employees etc. - Heckling people for whatever reason Image credits: Emergency-Ant-3891 #30 Their adult children don't talk to them. They don't know their grandchildren. Image credits: Commercial-Carrot477 #31 When they wait for you to stop talking instead of listening to what you're actually saying and some people don't even wait they just try to cut you off constantly. Image credits: Ok_Conversation_4042 #32 1. They will treat you like a doormat and the relationship dynamic is incredibly one sided in that regard. They will fully expect you to tolerate extremely poor behaviour from them and other people but will react very angrily when you actually stand up for yourself or they otherwise feel you have disrespected or offended them in some way. 2. They seek conflict on purpose and will cause it in any way possible. 3. They hold onto grudges easily and won't let anything go without a fight. They keep track of how you have disrespected them over time. 4. They are extremely vindictive and will find any way to punish you every time they feel you have disrespected them. 5. They are extremely argumentative and will proceed to give long ranting lectures instead of speaking in a calm respectful manner. 6. They are extremely negative and critical all of the time and will never offer anything positive to a discussion. This also extends to them never being happy for you in any way. E.g. getting good grades at school or a job promotion at work. 7. Due to this constant negativity you cannot speak to them because you know that they will respond in this way or feel that you are walking on egg shells around them because of their negativity. 8. They are verbally abusive. They'll insult you call you names etc etc. They'll also belittle you your hobbies and interests as well as friends and family. They'll use offensive language to that effect e.g. calling your (actually decent) car a piece of junk or calling your friend a loser. 9. Lack of effective communication. 10. They are never willing to compromise on a situation and will issue ultimatums instead. 11. They put conditions on their love towards you and having a relationship with you. 12. They view you as as a burden. 13. They are prone to physical violence. 14. They are gaslighters. 15. They love bomb you. 16. They are extremely selfish and self-centred they will only ever think of themselves. They will also only ever care about their own needs and wants no one else's. 17. They lack empathy and compassion towards other people. 18. They are financially abusive. They will use money to control and manipulate you into doing what they want. 19. They are very accusatory. E.g. when you are looking for a job they're calling you lazy or saying that you "have a bad attitude" and you don't want to work. However these accusations would be completely unfounded and it's just an extension of their abuse as per #8. 20. Almost every time you would spend time with them or otherwise communicate like a phone call or a text message there would always be some kind of agenda or ulterior motive behind it because they want something from you and not to have a "normal" conversation. It is very much a transactional relationship. 21. They view you as a punching bag. Meaning that if they're having a bad day for whatever reason that had absolutely nothing to do with you they'll lash out at you regardless. 22. They outright refuse to help you in absolutely any way whatsoever even in difficult times. Or if they do choose to help you they want something in return. They want you to "return the favour." 23. They crave attention 24/7 and have an intense dislike towards the idea of you having a life outside of them. They fully expect you to be at their beck and call at all times with no exception. 24. They do not respect your privacy. They'll repeatedly barge into your room demand to know who you are phoning etc. They'll also speak about you to other people behind your back and share extremely personal information about you without your explicit permission. 25. They are frequently dishonest to you and to other people about you. They'll attempt to paint you in a bad light by omitting certain details and otherwise twisting the narrative to suit their agenda. 26. They are never ever wrong and refuse to ever apologise for anything. They think they can sweep their poor behaviour under the rug and pretend nothing ever happened. Instead of accepting responsibility for their (or other people's) poor behaviour they will deflect blame away from themselves and engage in victim blaming and scapegoating. 27. They might attempt to isolate you from friends and family. 28. They play the victim in any given situation. 29. They might also give you the silent treatment and ignore you for prolonged periods of time without explanation. And then out of the blue they'll start speaking to you again like nothing happened. 30. When other people criticise you they won't defend or support you in any way. In fact they'll likely take the side of the other person criticising you. 31. They do not accept different opinions and theirs is the only valid one. They judge other people's opinions without understand their perspective first. They think that they own a monopoly on all the correct answers. 32. They threaten cruel and unusual punishments for the smallest mistake or infraction. This might also extend to threatening to ceasing all contact and disowning you completely as well for really minor things too. 33. They are prone to wild mood swings. One moment they'll appear to be "fine" and in a good mood next moment they're angry and abusive. You never know what kind of mood they will be in on a given day. They get angry at the smallest thing and saying the "wrong" thing would instantly change their mood for the worse. 34. Whenever they are harassing you with any kind of abuse (physical verbal etc) and you plainly ask/tell them to stop they'll ignore you and continue regardless. Either they lack the genuine empathy or they just don't care in the slightest about the harm that they cause others. 35. They are extremely dismissive of your feelings and when you attempt to address a legitimate concern with them or otherwise confront them about their behaviour towards you they'll attempt to invalidate your feelings and justify their behaviour towards you or otherwise downplay a situation that they caused. 36. They view parenting as simply providing the physical needs of the child i.e. providing a roof over their head and feeding and clothing the child. But caring about the child's happiness and mental wellbeing? Not a concern for them. 37. They think that parenting has a age limit. As soon as the child reach X age (usually 18) they think that their job as a parent is done and subsequently want to kick out their child as soon as possible. 38. They view children as simply extensions of themselves and not as separate individuals with their own needs and wants. As a result they think that they are entitled to dictate every aspect of their children's lives even extremely trivial things. 39. They will blatantly favour one child over another instead of treating all of their children equally. 40. In the case of divorced parents they'll use their children as pawns against the other parent and more specifically parental alienation. Meaning that they will constantly badmouth the other parent in an attempt to turn the child against said parent.32 Signs That Expose Someone To Be An Awful Person As Pointed Out By Members Of This Online Group

If you and I lived in a movie or TV series, then identifying some villain in our life would be as easy as shelling pears - after all, every time they appeared, that very strange, disturbing music would sound. Or, for example, in the classic epic fantasy, where all the bad guys, with rare exceptions, are ugly and accompany every second line with some demonic laughter.

But you and I live in real life, so these successful ways of determining not-so-nice persons, unfortunately, do not work. On the other hand, this is for the better - after all, the "villainous" musical theme could also be turned on when we appear in the frame ourselves... Be that as it may, people still have to rely on their own experience and the advice of other folks - such as, for example, in this collection of opinions from netizens.

More info: Reddit


For me it has to be when they treat animals really poorly.

Image credits: ChanelNumberOne


They dump garbage out of their moving vehicles.

Image credits: Xcavor


They're an "Alpha".

Image credits: sstinch

What else distinguishes real life from heroic fantasy is that our world does not accept pure light or dark, and each of us living, in fact, has those very notorious shades of gray. And not just fifty, but many more. In the end, a person can have a great appearance, have an amazing mind and/or brilliant wit - but at the same time, in some aspects of their personality, turn out to be not the nicest person at all. But how to evaluate and accept them at the same time is a personal choice for each of us.


When you’re having an argument with someone and they start saying things just to hurt you because they don’t have a valid argument.

Yeaaah this ones personal

Image credits: Wamakeg


They can't handle being wrong

Image credits: Ratakoa


When they say “f**k all my haters” when people are just giving them suggestions on how to be a decent human being

Image credits: qualityinnbedbugs

By and large, the collection of opinions and 'red flags' that we present to you today is not so much a "universal determinant of scoundrels", but also a questionnaire that can help you understand and realize what dark sides of your mind you personally have. In other words, if you find yourself in at least a few items on this list, it makes sense to seriously think about it - maybe your own behavior isn't the best?

"Keep in mind that asking yourself, 'Am I a bad person?' isn't unusual. Simply considering this question shows you have some measure of self-awareness and empathy," writes Crystal Raypole, a writer and editor in Healthline. "If you try to avoid causing harm, that's a good sign. If you can acknowledge you have some room for improvement - and who doesn't? - you're taking a promising first step towards positive change."


When they are rude to service people like waiters or cashiers. I think it shows a lack of empathy.

Image credits: sasserc73


They litter.

Image credits: MrFurleysJumpsuit


They talk about cheating on their partner in a bragging way like its something that makes them cooler.

Image credits: Mysterious-Window-54

If we started to consider this topic with examples from culture, then the hallmark of a good story has always been considered character development, when a character starts the story as one person, and ends as... well, if not someone completely different, then they certainly have undergone some changes. In the end, almost any scoundrel can go their own way to reform. Just remember how disgusting Darth Vader looked at the beginning of Star Wars... oh, we hope this has not become a spoiler for anyone now.


"bro look at this!" (Shows a minor achievement I'm proud of)

"Oh bro, that's so easy I literally did that like a million times"

With all due disrespect, f**k yourself.

Image credits: SwarthyTheDesertMan


When the rules apply to everyone except them.

Image credits: tacticalpinkman


When they mock you for trying to lose weight or trying to improve yourself in general

Image credits: GimmickInfringement1

As Forrest Gump's momma used to say, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." And when a new person comes into our life, there is always a chance that they will turn out to be not so good. And then, perhaps, this collection will be useful to you in some way. At least we modestly hope so. So please feel free to read and scroll it to the very end and add your own 'red flags' to expose a truly terrible person before that disturbing musical theme comes out...


Saying horrible things about people all the time.

Image credits: Parakiet20


They do not put shopping carts in the cart corral.

Image credits: HVAC_instructor


How they treat their significant other in front of other people

Image credits: ApartmentForRentt


Not respecting shared spaces. Like, leaving garbage on a picnic table or leaving a shopping cart out.

Image credits: CasualEveryday


“All my exes were crazy.” Really now?? Like you were the victim in all of those??

Image credits: Long-Marketing-8843


They don't respect the people who clean up their s**t.

A coworker once made fun of National Custodian Day.

Image credits: SuvenPan


When they still believe in racial stereotypes and look down on people because of their race

Image credits: No_Prize9794



No matter how nice someone acts, if they’re willing and capable of betraying anyone who intimately trusts them, they are absolute s**t.

Also, if she’ll cheat with you, she’ll cheat on you. Good luck with that, bro.

Image credits: rmichaeljones


Demanding respect just because they are older.
Edit: or because they are family.

Image credits: JackSixxx


Complete lack of awareness of how their actions affect other people's reactions

Image credits: huiscloslaqueue


When they constantly try to one up you in a conversation.

Image credits: NeonRunaway


They don't let u speak. At all. They just keep talking over you countless times in a row.

Image credits: puppersrlyf


If they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves than that's usually a pretty good indicator.

Image credits: CapG_13


If they treat family or staff members like s**t all the time

Edit: for the replies of examples of s****y families, responding to verbal abuse with more verbal abuse doesn’t solve anything, because verbal abuse is a sign that someone is a piece of s**t. So it’s not a good thing to stoop to someone’s level when they abuse you.

Image credits: Cbjmac


They only talk about themselves and complain about every little thing. They also expect you to help them but they don’t give a damn when you’re in need.

Oh yeah and never apologising or being accountable for anything.

Image credits: anon


They can’t stand different opinion

Image credits: randomname196


- When they're factually wrong but resort to deflection rather than stick to the subject

- 'I did my own research'

- Mistreating animals

- Being unfriendly to waiters, shop employees etc.

- Heckling people for whatever reason

Image credits: Emergency-Ant-3891


Their adult children don't talk to them. They don't know their grandchildren.

Image credits: Commercial-Carrot477


When they wait for you to stop talking instead of listening to what you're actually saying, and some people don't even wait, they just try to cut you off constantly.

Image credits: Ok_Conversation_4042


1. They will treat you like a doormat and the relationship dynamic is incredibly one sided in that regard. They will fully expect you to tolerate extremely poor behaviour from them and other people but will react very angrily when you actually stand up for yourself or they otherwise feel you have disrespected or offended them in some way.
2. They seek conflict on purpose and will cause it in any way possible.
3. They hold onto grudges easily and won't let anything go without a fight. They keep track of how you have disrespected them over time.
4. They are extremely vindictive and will find any way to punish you every time they feel you have disrespected them.
5. They are extremely argumentative and will proceed to give long, ranting lectures instead of speaking in a calm, respectful manner.
6. They are extremely negative and critical all of the time and will never offer anything positive to a discussion. This also extends to them never being happy for you in any way. E.g., getting good grades at school or a job promotion at work.
7. Due to this constant negativity, you cannot speak to them because you know that they will respond in this way, or feel that you are walking on egg shells around them because of their negativity.
8. They are verbally abusive. They'll insult you, call you names, etc, etc. They'll also belittle you, your hobbies and interests, as well as friends and family. They'll use offensive language to that effect, e.g., calling your (actually decent) car a piece of junk or calling your friend a loser.
9. Lack of effective communication.
10. They are never willing to compromise on a situation and will issue ultimatums instead.
11. They put conditions on their love towards you and having a relationship with you.
12. They view you as as a burden.
13. They are prone to physical violence.
14. They are gaslighters.
15. They love bomb you.
16. They are extremely selfish and self-centred, they will only ever think of themselves. They will also only ever care about their own needs and wants, no one else's.
17. They lack empathy and compassion towards other people.
18. They are financially abusive. They will use money to control and manipulate you into doing what they want.
19. They are very accusatory. E.g., when you are looking for a job, they're calling you lazy or saying that you "have a bad attitude" and you don't want to work. However, these accusations would be completely unfounded and it's just an extension of their abuse as per #8.
20. Almost every time you would spend time with them or otherwise communicate like a phone call or a text message, there would always be some kind of agenda or ulterior motive behind it, because they want something from you and not to have a "normal" conversation. It is very much a transactional relationship.
21. They view you as a punching bag. Meaning that if they're having a bad day for whatever reason that had absolutely nothing to do with you, they'll lash out at you regardless.
22. They outright refuse to help you in absolutely any way whatsoever, even in difficult times. Or if they *do* choose to help you, they want something in return. They want you to "return the favour."
23. They crave attention 24/7 and have an intense dislike towards the idea of you having a life outside of them. They fully expect you to be at their beck and call at all times with no exception.
24. They do not respect your privacy. They'll repeatedly barge into your room, demand to know who you are phoning, etc. They'll also speak about you to other people behind your back and share extremely personal information about you without your explicit permission.
25. They are frequently dishonest to you and to other people about you. They'll attempt to paint you in a bad light by omitting certain details and otherwise twisting the narrative to suit their agenda.
26. They are never, ever wrong and refuse to ever apologise for anything. They think they can sweep their poor behaviour under the rug and pretend nothing ever happened. Instead of accepting responsibility for their (or other people's) poor behaviour, they will deflect blame away from themselves and engage in victim blaming and scapegoating.
27. They might attempt to isolate you from friends and family.
28. They play the victim in any given situation.
29. They might also give you the silent treatment and ignore you for prolonged periods of time without explanation. And then out of the blue they'll start speaking to you again like nothing happened.
30. When other people criticise you, they won't defend or support you in any way. In fact, they'll likely take the side of the other person criticising you.
31. They do not accept different opinions and theirs is the only valid one. They judge other people's opinions without understand their perspective first. They think that they own a monopoly on all the correct answers.
32. They threaten cruel and unusual punishments for the smallest mistake or infraction. This might also extend to threatening to ceasing all contact and disowning you completely as well for really minor things too.
33. They are prone to wild mood swings. One moment they'll appear to be "fine" and in a good mood, next moment they're angry and abusive. You never know what kind of mood they will be in on a given day. They get angry at the smallest thing and saying the "wrong" thing would instantly change their mood for the worse.
34. Whenever they are harassing you with any kind of abuse (physical, verbal, etc) and you plainly ask/tell them to stop, they'll ignore you and continue regardless. Either they lack the genuine empathy, or they just don't care in the slightest about the harm that they cause others.
35. They are extremely dismissive of your feelings and when you attempt to address a legitimate concern with them or otherwise confront them about their behaviour towards you, they'll attempt to invalidate your feelings and justify their behaviour towards you or otherwise downplay a situation that they caused.
36. They view parenting as simply providing the physical needs of the child, i.e., providing a roof over their head and feeding and clothing the child. But caring about the child's happiness and mental wellbeing? Not a concern for them.
37. They think that parenting has a age limit. As soon as the child reach X age (usually 18), they think that their job as a parent is done and subsequently want to kick out their child as soon as possible.
38. They view children as simply extensions of themselves and not as separate individuals with their own needs and wants. As a result, they think that they are entitled to dictate every aspect of their children's lives, even extremely trivial things.
39. They will blatantly favour one child over another instead of treating all of their children equally.
40. In the case of divorced parents, they'll use their children as pawns against the other parent and, more specifically, parental alienation. Meaning that they will constantly badmouth the other parent in an attempt to turn the child against said parent.

from Bored Panda
If you and I lived in a movie or TV series then identifying some villain in our life would be as easy as shelling pears - after all every time they appeared that very strange disturbing music would sound. Or for example in the classic epic fantasy where all the bad guys with rare exceptions are ugly and accompany every second line with some demonic laughter. But you and I live in real life so these successful ways of determining not-so-nice persons unfortunately do not work. On the other hand this is for the better - after all the "villainous" musical theme could also be turned on when we appear in the frame ourselves... Be that as it may people still have to rely on their own experience and the advice of other folks - such as for example in this collection of opinions from netizens. More info: Reddit #1 For me it has to be when they treat animals really poorly. Image credits: ChanelNumberOne #2 They dump garbage out of their moving vehicles. Image credits: Xcavor #3 They're an "Alpha". Image credits: sstinch What else distinguishes real life from heroic fantasy is that our world does not accept pure light or dark and each of us living in fact has those very notorious shades of gray. And not just fifty but many more. In the end a person can have a great appearance have an amazing mind and/or brilliant wit - but at the same time in some aspects of their personality turn out to be not the nicest person at all. But how to evaluate and accept them at the same time is a personal choice for each of us. #4 When youre having an argument with someone and they start saying things just to hurt you because they dont have a valid argument. Yeaaah this ones personal Image credits: Wamakeg #5 They can't handle being wrong Image credits: Ratakoa #6 When they say fk all my haters when people are just giving them suggestions on how to be a decent human being Image credits: qualityinnbedbugs By and large the collection of opinions and 'red flags' that we present to you today is not so much a "universal determinant of scoundrels" but also a questionnaire that can help you understand and realize what dark sides of your mind you personally have. In other words if you find yourself in at least a few items on this list it makes sense to seriously think about it - maybe your own behavior isn't the best? "Keep in mind that asking yourself 'Am I a bad person?' isn't unusual. Simply considering this question shows you have some measure of self-awareness and empathy" writes Crystal Raypole a writer and editor in Healthline. "If you try to avoid causing harm that's a good sign. If you can acknowledge you have some room for improvement - and who doesn't? - you're taking a promising first step towards positive change." #7 When they are rude to service people like waiters or cashiers. I think it shows a lack of empathy. Image credits: sasserc73 #8 They litter. Image credits: MrFurleysJumpsuit #9 They talk about cheating on their partner in a bragging way like its something that makes them cooler. Image credits: Mysterious-Window-54 If we started to consider this topic with examples from culture then the hallmark of a good story has always been considered character development when a character starts the story as one person and ends as... well if not someone completely different then they certainly have undergone some changes. In the end almost any scoundrel can go their own way to reform. Just remember how disgusting Darth Vader looked at the beginning of Star Wars... oh we hope this has not become a spoiler for anyone now. #10 "bro look at this!" (Shows a minor achievement I'm proud of) "Oh bro that's so easy I literally did that like a million times" With all due disrespect fk yourself. Image credits: SwarthyTheDesertMan #11 When the rules apply to everyone except them. Image credits: tacticalpinkman #12 When they mock you for trying to lose weight or trying to improve yourself in general Image credits: GimmickInfringement1 As Forrest Gump's momma used to say "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get." And when a new person comes into our life there is always a chance that they will turn out to be not so good. And then perhaps this collection will be useful to you in some way. At least we modestly hope so. So please feel free to read and scroll it to the very end and add your own 'red flags' to expose a truly terrible person before that disturbing musical theme comes out... #13 Saying horrible things about people all the time. Image credits: Parakiet20 #14 They do not put shopping carts in the cart corral. Image credits: HVAC_instructor #15 How they treat their significant other in front of other people Image credits: ApartmentForRentt #16 Not respecting shared spaces. Like leaving garbage on a picnic table or leaving a shopping cart out. Image credits: CasualEveryday #17 All my exes were crazy. Really now?? Like you were the victim in all of those?? Image credits: Long-Marketing-8843 #18 They don't respect the people who clean up their st. A coworker once made fun of National Custodian Day. Image credits: SuvenPan #19 When they still believe in racial stereotypes and look down on people because of their race Image credits: No_Prize9794 #20 Cheating. No matter how nice someone acts if theyre willing and capable of betraying anyone who intimately trusts them they are absolute st. Also if shell cheat with you shell cheat on you. Good luck with that bro. Image credits: rmichaeljones #21 Demanding respect just because they are older. Edit: or because they are family. Image credits: JackSixxx #22 Complete lack of awareness of how their actions affect other people's reactions Image credits: huiscloslaqueue #23 When they constantly try to one up you in a conversation. Image credits: NeonRunaway #24 They don't let u speak. At all. They just keep talking over you countless times in a row. Image credits: puppersrlyf #25 If they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves than that's usually a pretty good indicator. Image credits: CapG_13 #26 If they treat family or staff members like st all the time Edit: for the replies of examples of sy families responding to verbal abuse with more verbal abuse doesnt solve anything because verbal abuse is a sign that someone is a piece of st. So its not a good thing to stoop to someones level when they abuse you. Image credits: Cbjmac #27 They only talk about themselves and complain about every little thing. They also expect you to help them but they dont give a damn when youre in need. Oh yeah and never apologising or being accountable for anything. Image credits: anon #28 They cant stand different opinion Image credits: randomname196 #29 - When they're factually wrong but resort to deflection rather than stick to the subject - 'I did my own research' - Mistreating animals - Being unfriendly to waiters shop employees etc. - Heckling people for whatever reason Image credits: Emergency-Ant-3891 #30 Their adult children don't talk to them. They don't know their grandchildren. Image credits: Commercial-Carrot477 #31 When they wait for you to stop talking instead of listening to what you're actually saying and some people don't even wait they just try to cut you off constantly. Image credits: Ok_Conversation_4042 #32 1. They will treat you like a doormat and the relationship dynamic is incredibly one sided in that regard. They will fully expect you to tolerate extremely poor behaviour from them and other people but will react very angrily when you actually stand up for yourself or they otherwise feel you have disrespected or offended them in some way. 2. They seek conflict on purpose and will cause it in any way possible. 3. They hold onto grudges easily and won't let anything go without a fight. They keep track of how you have disrespected them over time. 4. They are extremely vindictive and will find any way to punish you every time they feel you have disrespected them. 5. They are extremely argumentative and will proceed to give long ranting lectures instead of speaking in a calm respectful manner. 6. They are extremely negative and critical all of the time and will never offer anything positive to a discussion. This also extends to them never being happy for you in any way. E.g. getting good grades at school or a job promotion at work. 7. Due to this constant negativity you cannot speak to them because you know that they will respond in this way or feel that you are walking on egg shells around them because of their negativity. 8. They are verbally abusive. They'll insult you call you names etc etc. They'll also belittle you your hobbies and interests as well as friends and family. They'll use offensive language to that effect e.g. calling your (actually decent) car a piece of junk or calling your friend a loser. 9. Lack of effective communication. 10. They are never willing to compromise on a situation and will issue ultimatums instead. 11. They put conditions on their love towards you and having a relationship with you. 12. They view you as as a burden. 13. They are prone to physical violence. 14. They are gaslighters. 15. They love bomb you. 16. They are extremely selfish and self-centred they will only ever think of themselves. They will also only ever care about their own needs and wants no one else's. 17. They lack empathy and compassion towards other people. 18. They are financially abusive. They will use money to control and manipulate you into doing what they want. 19. They are very accusatory. E.g. when you are looking for a job they're calling you lazy or saying that you "have a bad attitude" and you don't want to work. However these accusations would be completely unfounded and it's just an extension of their abuse as per #8. 20. Almost every time you would spend time with them or otherwise communicate like a phone call or a text message there would always be some kind of agenda or ulterior motive behind it because they want something from you and not to have a "normal" conversation. It is very much a transactional relationship. 21. They view you as a punching bag. Meaning that if they're having a bad day for whatever reason that had absolutely nothing to do with you they'll lash out at you regardless. 22. They outright refuse to help you in absolutely any way whatsoever even in difficult times. Or if they do choose to help you they want something in return. They want you to "return the favour." 23. They crave attention 24/7 and have an intense dislike towards the idea of you having a life outside of them. They fully expect you to be at their beck and call at all times with no exception. 24. They do not respect your privacy. They'll repeatedly barge into your room demand to know who you are phoning etc. They'll also speak about you to other people behind your back and share extremely personal information about you without your explicit permission. 25. They are frequently dishonest to you and to other people about you. They'll attempt to paint you in a bad light by omitting certain details and otherwise twisting the narrative to suit their agenda. 26. They are never ever wrong and refuse to ever apologise for anything. They think they can sweep their poor behaviour under the rug and pretend nothing ever happened. Instead of accepting responsibility for their (or other people's) poor behaviour they will deflect blame away from themselves and engage in victim blaming and scapegoating. 27. They might attempt to isolate you from friends and family. 28. They play the victim in any given situation. 29. They might also give you the silent treatment and ignore you for prolonged periods of time without explanation. And then out of the blue they'll start speaking to you again like nothing happened. 30. When other people criticise you they won't defend or support you in any way. In fact they'll likely take the side of the other person criticising you. 31. They do not accept different opinions and theirs is the only valid one. They judge other people's opinions without understand their perspective first. They think that they own a monopoly on all the correct answers. 32. They threaten cruel and unusual punishments for the smallest mistake or infraction. This might also extend to threatening to ceasing all contact and disowning you completely as well for really minor things too. 33. They are prone to wild mood swings. One moment they'll appear to be "fine" and in a good mood next moment they're angry and abusive. You never know what kind of mood they will be in on a given day. They get angry at the smallest thing and saying the "wrong" thing would instantly change their mood for the worse. 34. Whenever they are harassing you with any kind of abuse (physical verbal etc) and you plainly ask/tell them to stop they'll ignore you and continue regardless. Either they lack the genuine empathy or they just don't care in the slightest about the harm that they cause others. 35. They are extremely dismissive of your feelings and when you attempt to address a legitimate concern with them or otherwise confront them about their behaviour towards you they'll attempt to invalidate your feelings and justify their behaviour towards you or otherwise downplay a situation that they caused. 36. They view parenting as simply providing the physical needs of the child i.e. providing a roof over their head and feeding and clothing the child. But caring about the child's happiness and mental wellbeing? Not a concern for them. 37. They think that parenting has a age limit. As soon as the child reach X age (usually 18) they think that their job as a parent is done and subsequently want to kick out their child as soon as possible. 38. They view children as simply extensions of themselves and not as separate individuals with their own needs and wants. As a result they think that they are entitled to dictate every aspect of their children's lives even extremely trivial things. 39. They will blatantly favour one child over another instead of treating all of their children equally. 40. In the case of divorced parents they'll use their children as pawns against the other parent and more specifically parental alienation. Meaning that they will constantly badmouth the other parent in an attempt to turn the child against said parent.32 Signs That Expose Someone To Be An Awful Person As Pointed Out By Members Of This Online Group If you and I lived in a movie or TV series then identifying some villain in our life would be as easy as shelling pears - after all every time they appeared that very strange disturbing music would sound. Or for example in the classic epic fantasy where all the bad guys with rare exceptions are ugly and accompany every second line with some demonic laughter.

But you and I live in real life so these successful ways of determining not-so-nice persons unfortunately do not work. On the other hand this is for the better - after all the "villainous" musical theme could also be turned on when we appear in the frame ourselves... Be that as it may people still have to rely on their own experience and the advice of other folks - such as for example in this collection of opinions from netizens.

More info: Reddit

For me it has to be when they treat animals really poorly.
Image credits: ChanelNumberOne

They dump garbage out of their moving vehicles.
Image credits: Xcavor

They're an "Alpha".
Image credits: sstinch

What else distinguishes real life from heroic fantasy is that our world does not accept pure light or dark and each of us living in fact has those very notorious shades of gray. And not just fifty but many more. In the end a person can have a great appearance have an amazing mind and/or brilliant wit - but at the same time in some aspects of their personality turn out to be not the nicest person at all. But how to evaluate and accept them at the same time is a personal choice for each of us.

When youre having an argument with someone and they start saying things just to hurt you because they dont have a valid argument. 

Yeaaah this ones personal
Image credits: Wamakeg

They can't handle being wrong
Image credits: Ratakoa

When they say fk all my haters when people are just giving them suggestions on how to be a decent human being
Image credits: qualityinnbedbugs

By and large the collection of opinions and 'red flags' that we present to you today is not so much a "universal determinant of scoundrels" but also a questionnaire that can help you understand and realize what dark sides of your mind you personally have. In other words if you find yourself in at least a few items on this list it makes sense to seriously think about it - maybe your own behavior isn't the best?

"Keep in mind that asking yourself 'Am I a bad person?' isn't unusual. Simply considering this question shows you have some measure of self-awareness and empathy" writes Crystal Raypole a writer and editor in Healthline. "If you try to avoid causing harm that's a good sign. If you can acknowledge you have some room for improvement - and who doesn't? - you're taking a promising first step towards positive change."

When they are rude to service people like waiters or cashiers. I think it shows a lack of empathy.
Image credits: sasserc73

They litter.
Image credits: MrFurleysJumpsuit

They talk about cheating on their partner in a bragging way like its something that makes them cooler.
Image credits: Mysterious-Window-54

If we started to consider this topic with examples from culture then the hallmark of a good story has always been considered character development when a character starts the story as one person and ends as... well if not someone completely different then they certainly have undergone some changes. In the end almost any scoundrel can go their own way to reform. Just remember how disgusting Darth Vader looked at the beginning of Star Wars... oh we hope this has not become a spoiler for anyone now.

"bro look at this!" (Shows a minor achievement I'm proud of)

"Oh bro that's so easy I literally did that like a million times"

With all due disrespect fk yourself.
Image credits: SwarthyTheDesertMan

When the rules apply to everyone except them.
Image credits: tacticalpinkman

When they mock you for trying to lose weight or trying to improve yourself in general
Image credits: GimmickInfringement1

As Forrest Gump's momma used to say "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get." And when a new person comes into our life there is always a chance that they will turn out to be not so good. And then perhaps this collection will be useful to you in some way. At least we modestly hope so. So please feel free to read and scroll it to the very end and add your own 'red flags' to expose a truly terrible person before that disturbing musical theme comes out...

Saying horrible things about people all the time.
Image credits: Parakiet20

They do not put shopping carts in the cart corral.
Image credits: HVAC_instructor

How they treat their significant other in front of other people
Image credits: ApartmentForRentt

Not respecting shared spaces.  Like leaving garbage on a picnic table or leaving a shopping cart out.
Image credits: CasualEveryday

All my exes were crazy. Really now?? Like you were the victim in all of those??
Image credits: Long-Marketing-8843

They don't respect the people who clean up their st.

A coworker once made fun of National Custodian Day.
Image credits: SuvenPan

When they still believe in racial stereotypes and look down on people because of their race
Image credits: No_Prize9794


No matter how nice someone acts if theyre willing and capable of betraying anyone who intimately trusts them they are absolute st. 

Also if shell cheat with you shell cheat on you. Good luck with that bro.
Image credits: rmichaeljones

Demanding respect just because they are older.   

Edit: or because they are family.
Image credits: JackSixxx

Complete lack of awareness of how their actions affect other people's reactions
Image credits: huiscloslaqueue

When they constantly try to one up you in a conversation.
Image credits: NeonRunaway

They don't let u speak. At all. They just keep talking over you countless times in a row.
Image credits: puppersrlyf

If they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves than that's usually a pretty good indicator.
Image credits: CapG_13

If they treat family or staff members like st all the time

Edit: for the replies of examples of sy families responding to verbal abuse with more verbal abuse doesnt solve anything because verbal abuse is a sign that someone is a piece of st. So its not a good thing to stoop to someones level when they abuse you.
Image credits: Cbjmac

They only talk about themselves and complain about every little thing. They also expect you to help them but they dont give a damn when youre in need.

Oh yeah and never apologising or being accountable for anything.
Image credits: anon

They cant stand different opinion
Image credits: randomname196

- When they're factually wrong but resort to deflection rather than stick to the subject

- 'I did my own research'

- Mistreating animals

- Being unfriendly to waiters shop employees etc.

- Heckling people for whatever reason
Image credits: Emergency-Ant-3891

Their adult children don't talk to them. They don't know their grandchildren.
Image credits: Commercial-Carrot477

When they wait for you to stop talking instead of listening to what you're actually saying and some people don't even wait they just try to cut you off constantly.
Image credits: Ok_Conversation_4042

1. They will treat you like a doormat and the relationship dynamic is incredibly one sided in that regard. They will fully expect you to tolerate extremely poor behaviour from them and other people but will react very angrily when you actually stand up for yourself or they otherwise feel you have disrespected or offended them in some way.

2. They seek conflict on purpose and will cause it in any way possible.

3. They hold onto grudges easily and won't let anything go without a fight. They keep track of how you have disrespected them over time.

4. They are extremely vindictive and will find any way to punish you every time they feel you have disrespected them.

5. They are extremely argumentative and will proceed to give long ranting lectures instead of speaking in a calm respectful manner.

6. They are extremely negative and critical all of the time and will never offer anything positive to a discussion. This also extends to them never being happy for you in any way. E.g. getting good grades at school or a job promotion at work.

7. Due to this constant negativity you cannot speak to them because you know that they will respond in this way or feel that you are walking on egg shells around them because of their negativity.

8. They are verbally abusive. They'll insult you call you names etc etc. They'll also belittle you your hobbies and interests as well as friends and family. They'll use offensive language to that effect e.g. calling your (actually decent) car a piece of junk or calling your friend a loser.

9. Lack of effective communication.

10. They are never willing to compromise on a situation and will issue ultimatums instead.

11. They put conditions on their love towards you and having a relationship with you.

12. They view you as as a burden.

13. They are prone to physical violence.

14. They are gaslighters.

15. They love bomb you.

16. They are extremely selfish and self-centred they will only ever think of themselves. They will also only ever care about their own needs and wants no one else's.

17. They lack empathy and compassion towards other people.

18. They are financially abusive. They will use money to control and manipulate you into doing what they want.

19. They are very accusatory. E.g. when you are looking for a job they're calling you lazy or saying that you "have a bad attitude" and you don't want to work. However these accusations would be completely unfounded and it's just an extension of their abuse as per #8.

20. Almost every time you would spend time with them or otherwise communicate like a phone call or a text message there would always be some kind of agenda or ulterior motive behind it because they want something from you and not to have a "normal" conversation. It is very much a transactional relationship.

21. They view you as a punching bag. Meaning that if they're having a bad day for whatever reason that had absolutely nothing to do with you they'll lash out at you regardless.

22. They outright refuse to help you in absolutely any way whatsoever even in difficult times. Or if they do choose to help you they want something in return. They want you to "return the favour."

23. They crave attention 24/7 and have an intense dislike towards the idea of you having a life outside of them. They fully expect you to be at their beck and call at all times with no exception.

24. They do not respect your privacy. They'll repeatedly barge into your room demand to know who you are phoning etc. They'll also speak about you to other people behind your back and share extremely personal information about you without your explicit permission.

25. They are frequently dishonest to you and to other people about you. They'll attempt to paint you in a bad light by omitting certain details and otherwise twisting the narrative to suit their agenda.

26. They are never ever wrong and refuse to ever apologise for anything. They think they can sweep their poor behaviour under the rug and pretend nothing ever happened. Instead of accepting responsibility for their (or other people's) poor behaviour they will deflect blame away from themselves and engage in victim blaming and scapegoating.

27. They might attempt to isolate you from friends and family.

28. They play the victim in any given situation.

29. They might also give you the silent treatment and ignore you for prolonged periods of time without explanation. And then out of the blue they'll start speaking to you again like nothing happened.

30. When other people criticise you they won't defend or support you in any way. In fact they'll likely take the side of the other person criticising you.

31. They do not accept different opinions and theirs is the only valid one. They judge other people's opinions without understand their perspective first. They think that they own a monopoly on all the correct answers.

32. They threaten cruel and unusual punishments for the smallest mistake or infraction. This might also extend to threatening to ceasing all contact and disowning you completely as well for really minor things too.

33. They are prone to wild mood swings. One moment they'll appear to be "fine" and in a good mood next moment they're angry and abusive. You never know what kind of mood they will be in on a given day. They get angry at the smallest thing and saying the "wrong" thing would instantly change their mood for the worse.

34. Whenever they are harassing you with any kind of abuse (physical verbal etc) and you plainly ask/tell them to stop they'll ignore you and continue regardless. Either they lack the genuine empathy or they just don't care in the slightest about the harm that they cause others.

35. They are extremely dismissive of your feelings and when you attempt to address a legitimate concern with them or otherwise confront them about their behaviour towards you they'll attempt to invalidate your feelings and justify their behaviour towards you or otherwise downplay a situation that they caused.

36. They view parenting as simply providing the physical needs of the child i.e. providing a roof over their head and feeding and clothing the child. But caring about the child's happiness and mental wellbeing? Not a concern for them. 

37. They think that parenting has a age limit. As soon as the child reach X age (usually 18) they think that their job as a parent is done and subsequently want to kick out their child as soon as possible.

38. They view children as simply extensions of themselves and not as separate individuals with their own needs and wants. As a result they think that they are entitled to dictate every aspect of their children's lives even extremely trivial things.

39. They will blatantly favour one child over another instead of treating all of their children equally.

40. In the case of divorced parents they'll use their children as pawns against the other parent and more specifically parental alienation. Meaning that they will constantly badmouth the other parent in an attempt to turn the child against said parent.32 Signs That Expose Someone To Be An Awful Person As Pointed Out By Members Of This Online Group Reviewed by New Viral Feed on 00:54 Rating: 5

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